II. Biographien / Biographies

II. Biographien / Biographies


  • (1901) Wilkins, Henry William: Caroline The Illustrious Queen Consort of George II and Sometime Queen-Regent. A Study of her Life and Time, London 1901.
  • (1909) Greenwood, Alice Drayton: Lives of the Hanoverian Queens of England, London 1909.
  • (1939) Arkell, Ruby L.: Caroline of Ansbach. George The Second's Queen. London/New York/Toronto 1939.
  • (1940) Quennel, Peter C.: Caroline of England. An Augustan Portrait. London o.J
  • (1997) Van der Kiste, John: King George II and Queen Caroline, Stroud 1997  
  • (2003) Panzer, Marita A.: Englands Königinnen. Von den Tudors zu den Windsors. Piper, München 2003, ISBN 3-492-23682-0.